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The final values.yaml will look something like this:

# Default values for dispatcher.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

# webhookUrl -- The URL of your WebHook endpoint
webhookUrl: ""

# hook.image.repository -- Hook image repository
# hook.image.tag -- The image Tag defaults to the charts version if not defined.
# @default -- defaults to the charts version
tag: null

# -- Add Kubernetes Labels to the hook definition
labels: {}

# -- Hook priority. Higher priority Hooks are guaranteed to execute before low priority Hooks.
priority: null

# hook.ttlSecondsAfterFinished -- Seconds after which the kubernetes job for the hook will be deleted. Requires the Kubernetes TTLAfterFinished controller:
ttlSecondsAfterFinished: null


The image field specifies the Docker image that is used for your hook. The repository specifies Registry and Namespace and tag defines the desired image tag. These are the only mandatory fields for a hook to work.


Adds Kubernetes labels to the Hook definition. See the Hooks HowTo for examples on how to use it.


You can specify the priority of the hook with hook.priorty. By default, this priority should be zero since they regard deployment-specific configurations which the secureCodeBox team does not manage.


Optional affinity settings that control how the hook is scheduled (see: Node Affinity | Kubernetes)


Optional tolerations settings that control how the hook is scheduled (see: Tolerations | Kubernetes)

Additional Values​

If your hook needs some additional information like an URL (webhookUrl in the example above), environment variables or volume mounts, you need to provide an option to specify them in your values.yaml and access them in the hook implementation (See templates for information on how to access the provided values, and ScanCompletionHook for a list of possible keys you can set in the template).