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Integration Tests

After you have finished the implementation, it's very much recommended to add some End-2-End Integration Tests for your hook to check if everything is running smoothly together.

Write your tests​

In most cases, the simplest and most effective way to test your hook is by running it after test-scan or against a scan of a demo-target. You can also re-use one of the examples you provided.

Let's have a look at the read-write-hook test to understand all the steps required:

const { scan } = require("../helpers");

"localhost port scan should only find a host finding",
async () => {
const { categories, severities, count } = await scan(

Object {
"Host": 1,
"Open Port": 1,
"fancy-category": 2,
Object {
"high": 2,
3 * 60 * 1000

At first, we start our scan function, and we feed it with a scan name (test-scan-read-write-hook), the specific scan command (test-scan) and a list of parameters ([]) for the scan. Likely, you can copy them from an example. Note that you must refer to your targeted demo-target via name.demp-targets.svc if it is installed in the "demo-targets" namespace. Please don't use any external websites (like in your integration tests!

The last parameter is a test timeout in seconds. This timeout should be lower than the general one for the jest test to provide us with better information in case that the test fails.

Upon finishing successfully, the scan will give us back categories, severities and a number of findings (count). We can then use them to create our test assertions. If you use snapshots, you don't need to copy your findings manually, you can rather automatically update them via npx jest --update-snapshot (see below).

The last parameter would be the test timeout for jest in milliseconds, make sure it is high enough and higher than the timeout provided above.

Run your integration tests locally​

Before pushing them to the repository, make sure your tests run successfully in your local cluster. You may use the makefile to run your integration tests locally.

Integrate in ci.yaml​

If your tests are successful, you can eventually integrate them in the ci workflow. Here you have to go through the same steps as above to install all the resources in the cluster. Please make sure to stick to the conventions already used in the yaml file and please do not install any resources for your tests that have already been installed or are not used in the tests.

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